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Hardship Assistance (Hardship-Assistance.com) is an independent, privately-held for-profit entity. Hardship Assistance has no affiliation or relationship with any political party or government entity. We pay advertising and corporate costs through 3rd-party advertising revenue often in the form of third-party affiliate offers. In addition, HA is in no way affiliated with any government program including Department of Education or Department of Housing. We urge you not to pay for any third-party offer you may find elsewhere at no cost. If you arrived via a Google ad, rates quotes on HA will not be greater than 35.99% APR with terms from 61 days to 90 days. Your actual rate, score, and terms, and more will be determined between you and an actual lender. Hardship-Assistance.com is a marketing lead generator with its main office at 4376 Forestdale Dr Unit #4 Park City, UT 84098. This site is directed at, and made available to, persons in the continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii only.